Up in the cloud, literally // Frassinetto, Italy

Mountains are beautiful. Even in rain. Cloudy and wet weather is the perfect excuse to open up a book you've intended to read for a while. Our plan for the day was to make a good cup of coffee, sit comfortably by the window, reading the book, listen to the rain drops and watch how clouds move across mountains. The clouds are like thick, white blanket would reveal just little fractions of the mountains, for you to see, but for a very short time, and then it wraps up and hides the magnificent rock again. Needless to say, we ticked every box in our to-do list that day :)

Spot a man with an umbrella :) The forecast has promised a lot more rainy days, so we made an investment in some rubber boots-probably one of the most useful purchases in the last few months :)
Fully equipped, we are prepared for a long walk under the rain! We headed to Frassinetto, the same place we hiked on DAY 1 of our trip- a small village located at the top of the mountain. This time, we took a local bus, which runs every few hours from our village Pont-Canavese.